BuildTestRun is your trusted partner in software and technology. We have decades of combined experience and a proven track record of helping businesses realize their software goals.
Transform your ideas into reality with a custom solution purpose-built to meet your goals. Whether you’re embarking on a new website project, developing an application, or seeking enhancements for your cu...
Ensure your software stays up-to-date and secure. Our team of experienced developers will work to keep your software running smoothly, while also making any necessary improvements to the performance, func...
Is your business bogged down by repetitive tasks? Automation can help. We can help you identify opportunities to automate your processes using tools such as Zapier, IFTTT, or a custom software solution if n...
Drop-in expertise to accelerate your development goals. We understand the importance of being able to quickly respond to changes in project scope, team dynamics, and technology. That’s why we offer drop-i...
Ensure the quality and reliability of your software. A comprehensive testing suite is critical to the success of your software, preventing bugs and errors that can lead to poor user experience and potential...
Ensuring the security of your business’s applications is crucial in today’s digital landscape. Our Application Security Assessment service offers a comprehensive evaluation of your applications’ security po...